Sunday, 27 January 2008

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Shirley Anne Sherris said...

I feel for you both - I'm afraid the way this country seems to tolerate and bend over backwards for these scumbags and never gives them their just deserts if they do catch them is one of my soapbox topics. Crime pays in Britain being law abiding certainly does not. We too have been on the receiving end of these scumbags - sick to the stomach and anger - so I know how you are feeling.

Judy said...

well said dear heart! It hurts so badly when our children get hurt and we cannot help them. I hope things will straighten out for your son soon.

This past summer our daughter and son-in-law's home was broken into. She was at work and he was on his way to Germany on business. She called us right after it happened and of course we left immediately to be with her and help her all we could. It was just a senseless break-in: I think they took an iPod and a "game cube", nothing special, but they broke down the door and terrorized the dog (not to mention terrorizing our daughter and me!!). People can be so very mean!!!


sharon young said...

Hi Karen
I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your son. It always hurts when our children are suffering , however old they are, but when it's for something that's mindless and cruel it feels that much worse!!
I hope that things turn a corner for him and his life improves, but it's a rotten thing to have happened.
All the best

Lila Rostenberg said...

We do suffer with our children and wish we could "fix" things for them![that is one of my hardest lessons...not to rush in, even if I could!!!]
I'm sorry to hear about this, but I appreciate how you shared your art journal page! I hope making the page and post helps you too!

Anonymous said...

Karen , it is natural to be angry and it must be very depressing for your son. But I hope he can move forward. The people that do this have no thought for their victims. But they too have mothers who care for them and they too probably have had a very difficult life where they feel that life is all against them. I hope they are caught and can get some help to change round their lives of crime.